Emergency Training for Teachers
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What Training Do Teachers And Staff Receive On Handling Emergencies?

-All school receptionists have been trained by local police to follow specific protocols when allowing access to a locked school buildings -All SAU 16 schools now practice evacuation, secure campus, and lockdown drills on a regular basis throughout the school year -All schools are scheduled for emergency response tabletop exercise to any critical incident which allows schools to practice procedures in an emergency. -All school administrators have completed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) incident command training 100 and 700. This trains administrators so they can work with first responders. -Reunification drills have been conducted at both the Cooperative Middle School and Exeter High School. -Active Shooter drills have been conducted at Cooperative Middle School and Exeter High School in conjunction with Exeter Police, Exeter Fire, New Hampshire Homeland Security, and Stratham Police -A substitute teacher training video has been completed that all substitute teachers have to view. In the video among other things tells substitutes what to do in an emergency.